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The birth of a hero... sort of...

Dex Dixon Poster colored.jpg
Dex Musical Premier logo.png

Where the hell did this come from?

     The idea behind The Adventures of

Dex Dixon: Paranormal Dick first came

to be as screenwriter and playwright,

Steve Coker was watching a movie in a

beautifully restored theatre in Saint

Helens, Oregon. The original thought 

was to write an old episodic serial, the

kind shown before features on Saturday

mornings in the movie houses of old.  

He even went so far as to ask the

owner of the theatre if he would show

such films before his weekend shows.  

The owner said he'd consider it and

that was all Steve needed to hear. 

He sat down and wrote ten episodes,

each ending in a cliff-hanger promising

the demise of our hero... then passed

the script around and with a lot of feed

back from readers, it became clear that

Dex Dixon might be better suited to

star in a feature film.

     He converted the episodes into a full feature script and began to create concept art, proof of concept video pieces, and a list of merchandising ideas. As it got some momentum, he realized the huge potential and opportunities a property like Dex had to connect with people and become its own dynamic brand... up to and including television, print, comics and even its own full blown, stage musical... which it achieved in 2016.  

     I invite you to dive right into the experience.  Explore the world of Dex Dixon... See you on Nightside! 

Original Episodic Poster.
Comic design by Scott Roller and colored by
Steve Mattssen.
Musical Production Design 
by Steve Coker
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